Urgen Cpr App

Android Version
$ Free Lauch Offer
  • Quizes
  • Daily goals
  • Smart Notifications

Urgen Cpr App

iOS Version
$ Free Lauch Offer
  • Quizes
  • Daily Goals
  • Smart Notifications
  • Push Notifications
    Stay informed and engaged with timely notifications. The app can send push notifications to remind you of your daily goals, upcoming quizzes, and important milestones. These notifications help you stay on top of your learning schedule and maintain consistent progress. Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online
  • Statistics and Performance Insights
    Gain a deeper understanding of your progress and areas of improvement through detailed statistics and performance insights. The dashboard can display analytics such as quiz scores, completion rates, time taken per question, and a breakdown of topics mastered. These insights enable you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to focus your efforts on areas that need more attention.
  • Online Licenced
    Experience the convenience of obtaining your license online with our specialized platform. Not only does our app cater to a wide range of healthcare professionals, including emergency response personnel, intensive care unit staff, physicians, nurses, and paramedics, but it also offers a unique advantage. You can now enhance your preparedness by taking practice exams through our app, ensuring that you're fully ready to obtain your desired license. With the flexibility of online learning and the added benefit of practice exams, we're here to support you on your journey towards achieving your professional goals.